Telehealth Appointments

Dr Pope offers telehealth appointments for both initial and subsequent consultations.

This can be advantageous for patients who live in either rural, intrastate or interstate areas and cannot attend the rooms for an initial assessment, where we can fast track the process to determine if surgery is required.

Dr Pope may send you referrals for further imaging before needing to be reviewed in person if you are a surgical candidate but not have to wait until you are able to come to Sydney for the initial consultation. He may be able to forward referrals for cortisone injections to assist in your pain management. If you have already been seen by Dr Pope and want ongoing advise, then we can offer telehealth to assist you without having to come back to Sydney.

A current GP referral is required, and there is a Medicare rebate for Video telehealth appointments.
Workcover patients can also request telehealth appointments that would be covered by their insurer.
Please contact the rooms to enquire about telehealth appointment times.

Dr Raoul Pope is a highly experienced Neurosurgeon and sub-specialised Spine Surgeon with 20+ years of experience. He consults and operates across Sydney.

Dr Pope completed a sub-specialised, dedicated, international training fellowship in complex neurosurgical and orthopaedic spine surgery at a recognised, high-volume Centre of Excellence in spine surgery, in Canada.

He offers telehealth consultations and welcomes both private and public patients.