Tristan Capistrano

Registered Nurse

Nurse Unit Manager (NUM), Mater Hospital

Tristan has been working as a nurse since 2007. The Mater Hospital Sydney is the first place he worked in Australia, when he arrived from the Philippines, and he has loved it ever since.

He has worked up the ranks to Nursing Unit Manager of operating theatres, and is highly respected by his peers, executive management and by the surgeons.

He has an unrelenting desire to do the very best for his surgical patients, and to facilitate everything that the Surgical Teams need to provide their service.

Tristan used to scrub for Dr Pope, so their relationship goes back a long way and provides Tristan with an essential understanding of neurosurgeon and what is expected in terms of operating theatre management, when it comes to neurosurgeons. Tristan is now focused on ensuring the operating of his theatres are at the highest standard of neurosurgical capability for the benefit of Dr Pope’s patients.

“Working with this team is not working for me anymore. It’s like coming to see my friends every day to do something great – like changing and saving a patient’s life for the best”.


AHPRA Registration Number

Dr Raoul Pope is a highly experienced Neurosurgeon and sub-specialised Spine Surgeon with 20+ years of experience. He consults and operates across Sydney.

Dr Pope completed a sub-specialised, dedicated, international training fellowship in complex neurosurgical and orthopaedic spine surgery at a recognised, high-volume Centre of Excellence in spine surgery, in Canada.

He offers telehealth consultations and welcomes both private and public patients.